
Informs friendsExcited to she share the news with his friends Annoyed with having to share info via individual messaging Happy when some of his friends confirm their intention to go
Learns about a concertExcited about a possibility to go to a concert Confused about inability to find more info about the concert Worried that some unexpected event might prevent him from going to the concert
Makes the trip to the eventExcited about traveling with friends Dissatisfied about the distance of the accommodation to the concert's venue Happily enjoying the concert Unhappy to see heaps of trash produced by the even
Organizes the whole tripAnnoyed at how much time and effort went to organize the trip with friends who all have different tastes and preferences Anxious to not overly complicated the organization part Lost in all the different options Relieved when all is arranged
Purchases the event ticketNervous about the credit card scams Worried that external factors might prevent him from attending the concert Enthusiastic about completing the first step in the organization